Compare And Contrast Timmy And Knee

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In Mount Olympus Ares, the greek god of war, was looking at his two sons Timmy and Tommy. They were very different from his other children. Timmy and Tommy are twins, but they can’t stand each other. They are always fighting from the minuet they wake up from the time they need to sleep. They are also the examples of good and evil. Timmy was the good. He had a kind heart, he helped everyone out, and never was rude to anyone except his brother. The downside of being so nice is that people use him all the time. Tommy on the other hand was the evil. He was rude to everyone and everything that was in his way, he would always ignore everyone, and push past people very harshly. The downside of that is that he had no friends,but he didn’t mind. …show more content…

I’m tired of them fighting too.” Ares replied while respectfully bowing to Zeus. Ares spend hours thinking how they could get the two boys to stop fighting. That’s when he came up with something he thought would definitely work, but he would need some help. He went down to see the nymphs and talked to Chloris the goddess of flowers and nymph of the island of the blessed. “Chloris, I need your help.” Ares said to the nymph. “What is it Ares?” she asked him with her brows furrowed. “My two sons are always fighting, and I was thinking that you could help.” Ares stated boldly. “The other nymph and I can all hear the fighting, and of course I will help you.” After she said that she left. Back at the forest the twins continue to scream at each other, and pushing each other around. Tommy always went to get Timmy, but Timmy never did anything to his brother. That’s when Tommy yell, “You know everyone is your friend because they all use you!” “Th-that’s not t-true! You’re m-making that u-up!” Timmy stuttered as he tried not to cry. “The reason you have no friends is because they are all scared of you!” He yelled even louder. All of a sudden Chloris showed up. “Why do you boys always fight?” she asked. “I hate him so that’s why I fight Timmy.” Tommy

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