Compare And Contrast The Speech To Virginia Convention And The Declaration Of Independence

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“The Speech to Virginia Convention” and “The Declaration of Independence” These two speeches were written in a time of distress and loads of pressure. The American colonies were starting to take a stand against the British reign and become independent. Thomas Jefferson and Patrick henry were one of the most influential voices of this time period. However “The Speech to Virginia Convention” was written to get the people on board to fight and in this way, written more persuasive than “The Declaration of Independence”. In “the declaration of independence” Thomas Jefferson’s tone is more serious and formal. He most frequently uses logical appeal in his speech to address the topic. For example he states, “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind require that they should declare the …show more content…

Such as parallelism he states, “We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostated” in this quote henry is trying to really emphasize that they have tried everything to which no avail. He wants to silence the people’s speculation and by repeating “we have” and using the same verb tense his point only comes across stronger. Another rhetorical device he uses is logical appeal saying, “And judging by the past I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years.” Here he is explaining that the British have done nothing for them in such a long time so what would they have to gain by staying loyal. He is stating the facts to which no one can argue and this is what makes his speech strong. Lastly he is most famously known for the line “I know not what course others may take but as for me give me liberty or give me death.” The emotion he uses at the end of his speech only heightens to the climax and leaves people to think long after he is

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