Compare And Contrast The Lion And The Attack Of The Man Eater

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You’re walking through a savanna and you here a roar and from a distance it looks like a regular house cat, but closer is actually a lion. Lions are like a big cat but more deadly and you have to every careful around them because they are dangerous, but are the most majestic creature you will ever see. Lions are sadly being hunted down for prize during hunts. The people introducing the articles is Colonel JH Patterson and Kevin Richardson and Patterson is in the Attack of the Man-eaters and Kevin is in The Lion Whisperer. Both are differ, but while you read the articles you will see some comparisons and differences. In the Attack of the Man Eaters and the other article, they both explained how the story played out in Africa. Both of the articles are about lions and that they both mentioned the hunting of lions. In The Lion Whisperer the article talked about conservations started to protect lions from being hunted down for bones or for a trophy. According to text,”Up to 1,000 lions are killed in these hunts each year.” This quote was from The Attack of the Man-eaters,”When you stare into their majestic faces, it’s easy to imagine the terror Patterson’s men must have felt on those dark nights more than a century ago. But it’s also clear that the events of 1898 were tragic not only for the lions’ victims, but also for the lions.” There are many more comparisons but …show more content…

One article was about a person killing lions and the other was about a person saving lions. Kevin likes lions in Africa, but Patterson hated the lions because they killed a coworker and he vowed revenge. The main characters reaction was different because Patterson just went on and hunted the two lions and Kevin reacted the opposite and began to love lions. Their were some differences, but not as much as comparing because both articles were about

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