Compare And Contrast Texting And Driving Study

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a) The experimental study is whereby the effect of television in comparison to the children’s weight was being measured. This difference is being measured with regard to the changes that would be expected after a child plays a physically engaging game within a period of time then the weight is compared to the weight they had before the exercise. The experiment aimed at reducing the weight of children thus the weight of the children is the independent variable in this experiment. The dependent variable in this experiment is the extent to which the children were exposed to the television exercise in a bid to determine their weight.
b) The second study is the correlational one. It has both the dependent and independent variable. The two primary variables measured in the study include the change in the weight of the children after introducing television to help with their weight reduction and the general weight of the children before introducing the television as an exercising aid in …show more content…

Texting while driving clearly diverts an individual’s attention from driving and likely to cause an accident. The most effective of the four validities is external validity is that texting while driving is a common act among the American teens, a situation that can be attributed to peer pressure among the teenagers.
b) The MSNBC story does not give enough detail in assessing external validity because it does not give conclusive details on the genesis of such acts that the teenagers display. In addition, the article does not avail the effect the teenager’s actions result into whether and accident or some form of injury. Moreover, there is no clarification whether the teenagers are texting while driving or when the vehicle is stopped. Therefore, there is need for clarifying the genesis of such habit and the dangers they may be exposed to

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