Compare And Contrast Samurai And Medieval Knights

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Essay Draft Chayce Newman
The Samurai Knights were the greatest warriors when compared to the Medieval Knights. The Samurai had better weapons and were also made out better oars. The Medieval Knights had good stuff however; they did not have better stuff then the Samurai. This what I found from Website on the Internet this is what is in my research question.

The Samurai had the better weapons compared to the Medieval Knights. The Samurai Weapons were made out of better ore like Iron. Tamahagane is iron sand or Known as iron ore that the Samurai used to make their weapons from. The Samurai have many techniques to build their Guns / Weapons. When they made their swords, they make them layered, so it does not break in the middle of a fight. …show more content…

Most of the Weapons that the Medieval Knights have been mostly made out wood, but it was also made out of Stone, Copper, Iron, Bronze, and Steel. The swords in The Middle Ages were made of steel. Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, and iron heated properly over a charcoal fire becomes steel.

The Samurai had many weapon back then what they used in a battle. Katana - The Samurai sword was the first and most important weapon of the Japanese because that was the primary weapon that they used.
Kama - The Kama was traditionally used for cropping Stuff and other things in everyday working space.
Tanto - The Tanto was a traditionally made sword worn by the Samurai of the feudal class.

Knights were supported by their soldiers and the Medieval Weapons used by the lower classes included the Polearm, Battle Axe, Mace, Billhook, Caltrop, Flail, Halberd, Longbow, Bow and Arrow, Crossbow, Pike, Poleaxe, Quarterstaff, Spear and the War hammer.
Lance - The lance was a long wooden pole with a metal tip and hand guards, that’s what they used when there were on their horse
Sword-The sword was the preferred weapon once the knight had dismounted or if his lance was broken during the battle
Mace - The mace was a club with a big steelhead
Longbow - Many knights considered the longbow to be a cowardly

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