Compare And Contrast Proportional Representation System Vs Plurality System

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Proportional representation system is better than the plurality system and I believe it could change the United States of America for the better. In America we live in a modern-day democracy. And in a modern-day democracy everyone’s voice should be heard. I truly believe a competitive multiparty system would give Americans exactly what they want, a greater variety of choices in the polls. The goal should be to encourage higher level voting and help people find someone they can support. My belief for a democracy is to elect those who can bring worthy change to their community but not in a system where votes only count for 50 to 60 per cent in most U.S. elections.
The power should be put in the voter’s hands and with that I agree with the resolution that proportional representation is a better principle on which to organize an electoral system than is plurality. In a debate I would present an argument for this side and I strongly stand by it. If we want to be governed by democracy, why not give everyone a realistic chance? I’m pretty sure the green party in America can speak on this behalf. In a winner takes all set up voters get discouraged. A plurality system is not the best to use because it doesn’t allow all voters to express their …show more content…

The plurality system contains single member districts which means your voting for one representative. Whereas in the P.R. system, which is based of multimember districts, several people can be selected at one time. Why? Because the districts are larger. The reason this is important is because one member can’t dictate what a district representation would be. Unlike in our current election system where if a Democrat is in a predominantly Republican district or a Republican is in a Democratic one would be shut out. Its one thing to be able to vote equally but not having the right to be equally represented is the major

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