Compare And Contrast Martin Luther King Jr And The Black Power Movement

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1.) Compare the philosophies and styles of Martin Luther King Jr. and the leaders of the black power movement. Martin Luther King Jr was a black American leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He called for African American rights using nonviolence ways as he propagated Christian values. The Black Power Movement was a political movement that was formed to achieve black power and equal rights around the world. Martin Luther King Jr and the Black Power Movement had many similar objectives but differed in their styles and philosophies of acquiring those objectives. Both Martin Luther King Jr and the leaders of the Black Power Movement, like Malcolm X, were concerned about black empowerment whether that was economically, socially …show more content…

There is no arguing that if Nixon would have stayed in office he would have been impeached. Nixon used deception and lies to try and win his reelection in 1972. This intense desire to do anything to get him reelected is what started the Watergate scandal and ultimately, the loss of his presidential statues. With the election coming up, Nixon decided to create “CREEP.” This was an organization, funded by the White House, to do anything possible to insure Nixon got reelected. On June 17, 1972 five CREEP employees were sent to break into the Watergate hotel and bug the Democratic offices to obtain any information to give Nixon an edge. These employees were caught and imprisoned when a security officer of the hotel saw tape on the door and notified the police. Once it was discovered that these men had been employed by CREEP and that it was directly under White House orders, Nixon denied that him and his advisors had any involvement. Meanwhile, Nixon won the 1972 election in a landslide victory. When the five CREEP employees’ trials began, James McCord claimed that the whole thing was a White House cover up. After this election got more attention then Nixon thought it would, Nixon changed the story and said two of his advisors might have been involved and that they would resign soon. A Senate committee was created, and an investigation was ran against Nixon and his White House. During this Investigation, a White House Official, trying to save themselves, said Nixon had his own office wiretapped and all his conversations were recorded. The committee asked Nixon for these tapes. Nixon only handed over seven out of nine of the heavily edited tapes to the Committee. The Committee forced Nixon to hand over all tapes, unedited, and Nixon was guilty of everything from foul reelection tricks and lies to foul language. Congress decided to start the impeachment process but

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