Compare And Contrast Leola And The Honeybear

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The book “Leola and the Honeybears” by Melodye Benson Rosales is an African- American retelling of the well-known tale of the Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In this tale, the author spins the story of the three bears with African- American elements. Leola, in the Goldilocks role, runs off to do what she pleases despite her grandmother’s warnings. As a result, she ends up getting lost in the woods where she encounters a weasel which as no good intentions. On a run for her life she runs into an inn run by Honeybears. Since no one was home, she welcomed herself in . She finds baked goods, and so the storyline joins the original . The difference between the original and this version is not only the fact that it is played by an African American

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