Compare And Contrast Fat Kid Rules The World

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In the novel, Fat Kid Rules the World, by K.L. Going, the two main characters shown in the beginning are Troy Billings and Curt MacCrae. Troy and Curt are similar, but also different. Troy and Curt both really like ketchup. Curt orders a grilled cheese with fries and a lot of ketchup at a diner they went to because Curt saved Troy's life and Troy owed him one. Troy, at first, orders just a grilled cheese, but hesitated and decided to get the same thing and asks for a lot of ketchup. In the novel, Curt said, "And french fries... Yes. French fries and ketchup. Lots of ketchup. Oh, man." (6) Then, Troy said, "Give me the french fries, with lots of ketchup." (7) That's how Troy Billings and Curt MacCrae are similar. However, I haven't

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