Compare And Contrast European And American Culture

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The European arrived in the America in the sixteenth century. The American Indians, who had a culture of welcoming and honoring any visitor welcomed them and provided them with food and almost all the assistance they needed. But immediately after the arrival of the European to America, there was a conflict of the two cultures; the American Indians culture and the Europeans culture. American Indians who consisted of many tribes had their own culture and way of life. Every American Indian tribe spoke a different language and had a different way of life; some were hunters, some grew crops and they traded between themselves. American Indians had a way of bringing up their kids. The children were taught the ways of survival in the environment. Agricultural tribes taught their young ones how to grow crops (Reyhner and Eder, 2006, p.14). Reyhner and Eder explain that through ceremonies, storytelling, and apprenticeship children learned the culture of their parents. On this note what children were taught was gender specific. Boys were taught the skills of handling weapons and …show more content…

When the missionaries taught Christianity to the kids who enrolled in their schools the parents of those kids used to flash the minds of their kids from the doctrines of Christianity and this made their efforts of converting the Native to Christianity fruitless. When that effort failed or became fruitless, the missionaries established boarding schools. These boarding schools take kids and their parents apart. Those kids were subjected to harsh environments. They were abused physically by ordering them to work in the school farm for long durations. They were abused mentally, by making their culture an “uncivilized” cultural practice; their hair was cut, their clothes were changed, and they were forced to speak a language that was not theirs. They were sexually abused. Some were killed and no one asked about

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