Compare And Contrast Ethiopia And The Babylonian Empires

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Ethiopia and the Babylonian Empire were located in different areas of the world. Ethiopia was located in Africa, while the Babylonian Empire was located in Mesopotamia in the Middle East. Ethiopia existed from 1137 to 1974, and Mesopotamia existed from 3000 B.C. to 2000 A.D. Both civilizations had similar ideas that led to unity. However, these two empires used geography to their advantages by using waterways, but for different reasons. A civilization is a human society with high level of cultural and technical development. As time evolves, the civilization progress’ and utilizes religion, culture, language, methods of writing, inventions, agriculture and many other essential things needed for the civilization to be successful. Empires however, …show more content…

Ethiopia accepted Christianity as its national religion. “This new religion gave added strength and unity to the empire” because it bought people from the separate Ethiopian kingdoms together and they defended Ethiopia from outside invasions (Clark 68). Similarly, the Babylonian empire had common ideas that led to unity. One of Babylonian’s conquerors was the Babylonian Hammurabi. Hammurabi considered himself as the king of the four quarters of the world. Hammurabi claimed god has chosen him, make the world a better place by getting rid of evil and making sure the strong does not oppose the weak. Hammurabi maintained his empire by providing with a code of laws. These laws accepted high standards of behavior and stern punishments for crime committers. For example, if a noble destroyed another noble’s eye, that noble would have his eye destroyed as a stern punishment. Hammurabi’s laws “established a set of common standards that lent some degree of cultural unity” (Brodsky, Crofts, and Gaynor 39) Both Ethiopia and the Babylonian empires had common ideas that led to unity. Christianity united Ethiopia, while the Hammurabi code united the Babylonian

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