Compare And Contrast Essay: The Bill Of Rights

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On December 15th, 1791, the Bill of Rights was signed into law and became part of our Constitution from that date forward. Thomas Jefferson, a Founding Father of our Country, said “a Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government”. He went on to later say that “no just government should refuse [these rights]” for he had witnessed firsthand what happened when rights were not guaranteed, when an unjust government overstepped their bounds. George Frederick III, the King of England before and during the time of our Revolution, and Barack Obama, the current President of the United States, are similar in their policies and actions toward their people. Thomas Jefferson, again provides us with a quote about King George saying, “he has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good”. …show more content…

In America today, the Democratic Party in the United States is slowly infringing on our rights provided to us by the Bill of Rights, and the rights our Forefathers stated to be “unalienable” and “God-given”. I wholeheartedly believe that the government is stealing these unalienable and God-given rights away from us and that we need the Bill of Rights now more than ever to preserve our freedoms guaranteed to us and protect us from an unjust government. Citizens, it is time for us to heed the warnings our Forefathers gave to us when this country was founded. It is time for us to open our eyes and see the infringements taking place all across our great

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