Compare And Contrast Due Process And The Rule Of Justice

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BODY 3: Comparing due process and the rule of law and examining their similarities and differences compared against the concept of justice. The way due process works in the justice system is somewhat different from how the rule of law works in the justice system. Due process works in the justice system by making sure no individual that enforces the law of any form violates an individual’s rights when in a legal proceeding. The rule of law works in the justice system a little bit differently than due process; it makes sure that all individuals including people that enforce or create the laws that are citizens of this country have to be treated equally as everyone else. They are not above the law in any way shape or form. Anyone who is brought …show more content…

Such as police officers, judges, law creators, the congress and so forth. Another similarity that due process and the rule of law have in common is that they both have two categories of context explaining two different sides of the spectrum of each procedure needed in the justice system. The rule of law and due process are very crucial functions of justice. The function that should always be necessary and should always apply to the justice system would be the due process function. It applies better because of the fact that no one’s personal rights should ever be violated in order to prosecute someone. Every individual is entitled to their rights and freedoms and is able to challenge the law if their right was violated when they were being searched, arrested, or tried or possible even sentenced. That is why I believe that due process has a greater need in the justice system then the rule of law. The rule of law is very important in the justice system also, as it comes down to which one I firmly believe reflects and protects what the justice system is all about it is due

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