Compare And Contrast Cooperative Vs Cooperative Federalism Essay

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Jesse Rivera
Professor Rogal
Honors Federal Government
22 February 2016
Essay 3 Federalism in American history is a division of power between central government and regional governments. Consequently, federalism has been tied to three main eras including dual federalism, cooperative federalism, and lastly devolution. Additionally, each era is marked by events leading to changes in how power has been distributed between the federal and state governments. Moreover, the main focuses of this paper are on how federalism balances power when two or more governments share authority over the same people and also look at the effects of the great depression towards the decline of dual federalism in America. Lastly, should we continue on with the New Deal Programs that were created during the Great Depression? To begin with, dual federalism (1789-1932) was a view holding that the constitution is a compact among sovereign states so that the powers of the national government and the states are clearly differentiated. However, cooperative federalism (1933-1968) was a view holding that the constitution is an agreement among people who are citizens of both state and nation, so there is …show more content…

Specifically, the national government controlled foreign and military affairs whereas, the state-controlled domestic affairs. In contrast, cooperative federalism is known as the marble-cake metaphor because citizens cutting into the political system will find that nation and state powers function on the fact that they are mixed and mingled. Nevertheless, cooperative federalism gained power through the Supreme Court in the Wickard v. Filburn case where it expanded under the commerce clause to regulate local economic activity and the new deal. Subsequently, devolution has both president and congress combine categorical grants into block grants with an example being the welfare

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