Compare And Contrast Christmas And White Winter Hymnal

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Coca Cola, the popular soda company, is responsible for the traditional red and white worn during the holiday season. In the past, Santa Claus was depicted as wearing blue, white, and green. His updated look came from the soda ad from the 1930s. American holiday traditions come from a variety of places, including popular brands. However, much of our Christmas and Holiday themed music is from more traditional roots like the blue, white and green suit. Pentatonix’s version of White Winter Hymnal is an example of a modern octavo, while The Many Moods of Christmas features more classic Christmas songs, such as Silent Night. White Winter Hymnal and The Many Moods of Christmas can be compared by style, sound, and context. The Many Moods of Christmas and White Winter Hymnal can be compared by style. Many Moods are very classic and recognizable. It features songs like Silent Night, O Come All Ye Faithful. White Winter Hymnal includes hand percussion with adds to the layers of the piece. White Winter is, stylistically, very precise and uses modern sounding chords and harmonies. The Many Moods of Christmas has almost everyone singing similar parts with different notes. It sounds layer and adds to the drama of the …show more content…

White Winter Hymnal is a smooth, happy sounding tune, while Many Moods is powerful, dramatic and even sounds dark. Many Moods has wild dynamics and high notes to end phrases. Such as measure 100, which features a six part harmony with the first sopranos singing a G5. White Winter Hymnal stays generally consistent with volume and other dynamics. It begins mezzo forte and fluctuates between that and forte. Many Moods has a complex piano accompaniment, while White Winter Hymnal is acapella. However, these choral arrangements are holiday themed and both have a merry tone. The Many Moods of Christmas and White Winter Hymnal have distinct sounds, which creates a basis of

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