Compare And Contrast Alligator And Crocodile

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From pre historic times, to all over the world, and seeing them at your local zoo. The crocidille and alligator, coming from two different reptile familes. Both animals very strong, agile creatures, yet while at a first glance, alligators and crocodiles appear similar, but they are in fact, two completely different species. both the crocidle and alligaotr share many physical features reguarding the same aspect, with few differences that tell them apart. both having thick ridged skin, long tails, short stumpy legs, webbed toes, and sharp teeth. Looking into further detail the differences between the two are skin color, the eyes, head shapes, and strangly the mouths. Adult alligators are grayish black while adult crocodiles are light tan to brown in color. the difference between the two concerning eyes is that most crocodiles tend to have green eyes, while alligators have brown ones. Alligators heads are more " U"-shaped, while crocodiles are "V"-shaped. Lastly the teeth, what were all really afraid of. When an alligator closes its mouth, the teeth go into the mouth and disappear. When a crocodile closes its mouth, the teeth remain visible, and they stick outside the upper jaw. …show more content…

both animals being carnivors, they eat meat.crocdiles look at humans as prey. they are more dangerous to the human race. in areas such as Costa Rica, Mexico and Guatemala humas attacks are not uncommon. whereas alligators rarley attack humans. when the case is, its because we as humans are generally putting ourselves as a threat to the alligator. feeding the animal, it then expects more from us and when we dont give it more, it takes charge. also alligaotrs are extreamly protextive of their young ones, so its better to keep a distance while near these

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