Comparative Newspaper

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Comparative Newspaper

Tabloids and Broad sheet news papers have many contrasts, some minor

some major which help project the newspapers opinions to their own

different audience. The tabloid "The Mirror" and the Broad sheet paper

"The Times" both report on the same story of ITN's Terry Lloyd missing

in southern Iraq but do this in different ways. The broad sheet

contains much more justification and many more facts whereas the

tabloid newspaper contains more opinions and assumptions but however

does contain some justification.

Both newspapers use an opening paragraph to convey the situation. The

papers do this at the beginning of a story so that the reader fully

understands the situation before reading the story so it is clearer to

what is happening. The opening paragraphs both contain "veteran" as

describing Terry Lloyd which could indicate that he has much

experience in this situation and there may still be hope.

Both papers contain the same factual details about the incident. They

mostly use the same quotes, probably as they are both putting across

the same message, the message that they are trying to create is

emphasised by the quotes they use,

"every effort is being made to establish what happened"

The above quote is reported speech from the ITN chairman who spoke on

the news about the event both papers include this in their story which

gets across the tragic disappearance of Terry Lloyd. The quote also

gives an example of desperation of the search by saying that they are

using "every effort" possible.

The broad sheet layout is on the front page of the newspaper but

however Is crammed in at the bottom with a small headline, in a large

contrast the story in the tabloid is on page two fully as the front

page is occupied by the headline of Terry Lloyd and one of troops

entering Basra and a picture covering the whole front page.

However both papers have a picture of Terry Lloyd on the left hand

side and the headline above. The headline is small but in bold and is

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