Community Service Research Paper

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When people learn how many hours of community service I have done, they ask "Why bother if you aren't going to get paid?". My answer is always "It's something I enjoy doing". Community service has been a way for me to give back, meet new people, and create experiences that I will always treasure. I spend a lot of my time going to camps, libraries, and nursing homes as a certified therapy dog handler and I spend my weekends and summer working with kids at my Church. In school, I am the president of the Humane Society and am in charge of small drives to give to our local animal shelter. Needless to say, I really do not know what I would be doing with all my extra time if I were not always doing some type of volunteer job. As a therapy dog handler, I have worked with special needs adults and children, been to army bases to visit the families of soldiers, veteran homes, nursing homes, and hospitals. At libraries, boys and girls can come in and read their favorite book to a dog. It is incredible to …show more content…

During the summer I am a camp councilor and during the school year I have taught and aided second graders. I have been doing this since my freshman year of high school and as each year went by, I learned new things and gained new responsibilities. Second grade is a very important year in the Church because I have to prepare the kids for their first Reconciliation and first Communion. Throughout the year, I witness the kids grow in maturity and grow in their faith. The topics are difficult for such young kids to fully comprehend so teaching it can be tough at times. When the kids get excited and ask me questions, it is really fun. Being a teacher to them has helped me as well form my own personal ideas and values. The teacher I was in ninth grade compared to the teacher I am now as a twelfth grader is very different because teaching in the Church has given me more confidence in who I am as a

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