Community Readiness Model Essay

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1. State your identified community need (as explained in your program rationale from Module 5)
The identified community need is “to reduce the adult smoking prevalence rate and exposure to second hand smoke in Brazos County (Bryan/College Station)”
2. Describe the priority population or populations for the health intervention.
The priority population this intervention aim to address is adults greater than 18 years old.
3. Select a theory to use as a guide in developing your program.
Community Readiness model
4. Name the theory and carefully explain how this theory and its constructs are fit to address this health issue. Media advocacy for smoke-free ordinances will begin with a community assessment using the Community Readiness Model utilized in similar interventions (Hahn, Rayens, and York …show more content…

What is this theory/model's level of influence (e.g. individual, interpersonal, community)
6. Defend why you think this particular theory, over other theories or models, would be the best theory to use.
I think this theory is the best to use because, the intervention is designed to effect a policy change to ban smoking in all public places in Brazos County including bars, restaurants and work places. Mass-media component will be used to drive policy change. Target audience are policy makers, organizations, smokers, and the whole community. With this in mind, a theory that will assess the community readiness to embrace this policy change should be used. The information gathered at this stage will be used to plan, implement and evaluate the intervention program.
Hahn, E., Rayens, M., Butler, K., Zhang, M., Durbin, E., & Steinke, D. (2008). Smoke-Free Laws and Adult Smoking Prevalence. Preventive Medicine, 47, 206-209. Doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2008.04.009
Hahn, E. J., Rayens, M. K., & York, N. (2012). Readiness for smoke-free policy and overall strength of tobacco-control in rural tobacco-growing communities. Health Promotion

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