Community Service

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Community service is an invaluable experience that everybody should have. Through community service you can help yourself by helping others. You learn your strengths and weaknesses, on top of everything you learn about others and the world. Through my sixty hours of service with Colleges Against Cancer, I have learned a lot. Community service with CAC was extremely beneficial. I feel as though it helped me understand the struggles of other individuals better and comprehend how even a little bit of help can make a huge difference. Thousands of individuals are diagnosed with cancer every year. This disease drastically alters the lives of not only those diagnosed but those who care for that individual. CAC works really hard to spread awareness of this fact and help raise money for research in attempt to cure cancer. It is truly inspirational and beneficial to know that even your small amount of effort can make a huge difference in the lives of these individuals. Another benefit of being in CAC was being able to participate in something much larger than yourself, Relay for Life. Being a part of something like that helps put everything in perspective. It allows you to reevaluate all the struggles you may be going through so that you can see how small those may actually be in the grand scheme of things. Being a part of all the Relay for Life events since coming to Elmira, has been a truly humbling experience and I feel that is a major benefit of volunteering your time to such an organization. Working with CAC for the past two years, has made me realize that this is the sort of thing I would like to dedicate my time to as often as I can in the future. Raising cancer awareness and money for cancer research is something that wi... ... middle of paper ... ...y impossible. The volunteers are the ones who do most of the fundraising. As a part of the Relay for Life committee for this year’s Relay, I can attest to the fact that without all the volunteers and their efforts leading up to and especially the day off, Relay for Life would not happen. They do so much work for the organization and really make a difference. Upon entering Elmira College, I questions what good sixty hours of community service could possibly do for me. However, now that I have completed these hours I can honestly say that it was one of the most enlightening, character building experiences I have had. We do not realize what good we can do, until we have to opportunity to see it. Relay for Life and CAC showed me that I can make a difference. Community service is well worth the time and should be completed by everyone at some point in their lives.

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