Community Based Instruction and Intellectual Disability

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There are many disabilities, such as intellectual disability, that affect the process and progress of students’ learning. But with the collaborative help from the school, parents, and community; these students can achieve a positive outcome. Intellectual disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communicating, taking care of him or herself, and social skills. These limitations will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child of the same age (NICHCY). Limitation in intellectual functioning and limitations in adaptive behavior are two major characteristics of intellectual disability. Levels of intellectual disability vary greatly in children based upon their IQ range, which classifies them as mild, moderate, severe, and profound mental retardation (Turnball, Turnball, Wehmeyer & Shogren, 2013): • Mild mental retardation: IQ 50-55 to approximately 70 • Moderate mental retardation: IQ 35-40 to 50-55 • Severe mental retardation: IQ 20-25 to 30-40 • Profound mental retardation: IQ below 20-25 No matter the severity of this disability, these students all have intellectual functioning needs in the area of memory, generalization, and motivation. The second defined feature of intellectual disability limits the child’s developmental life skills such as conceptual skills (reading, numbers, money, time, and communication), social skills (understanding following social rules, obeying laws, detecting motivation of others), and practical skills (feeding, bathing, dressing, occupational, and navigation skills) (Reynolds, Zupanick & Dombeck). Intellectual disability can be caused by a problem that starts any time before a child turns 18 years old – eve... ... middle of paper ... NICHCY. Supports, modifications, and accommodation for students. Retrieved from Noonan, P., Erikson, A., & Morningstar, M. (2013). Effect of community transtion teams on interagency collaboration for school and adult agencey staff. Retrieved from Project 10. (2013). Community based instruction. Retrieved from Reynolds, T., Zupanick, C. E., & Dombeck, M. (n.d.). Retrieved from Reynolds, T., Zupanick, C. E., & Dombeck, M. (n.d.). Retrieved from Turnball, A., Turnball, R., Wehmeyer, M., & Shogren, K. (2013). Exceptional lives. (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

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