Communication With Children And Young People Essay

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People can or may be limited in the ways they communicate if for example they have speech, language, communication or sensory impairments. If they are not in a positive emotional state or have heightened anxiety this will have a huge impact on a persons ability to communicate effectively. Language barriers are clearly difficult when trying to interact and communicate as are different cultures perceptions of normal behaviour, gestures and body language. Without support from experts in this area such as the SENCO or an EAL specialist you will not be able to have a positive relationship or good communication with the child you are working with or their families. If one person expects eye contact when talking and another, for cultural oe SEND …show more content…

A child that I have been working with has a gap of 4 academic years and although he is in year 4 he is currently working on EYFS and some year 1 objectives. This had lead to changing many of the ways in which I and other members of staff communicate with him and how his peers interact with him. He needs more than simple differentiation and often has ELSA support to help him with his emotional state as this impacts heavily on his ability to communicate and prevents him developing further. 2a) Understand how to communicate with children, young people and adults. Explain the skills need to communicate with children and young people. To communicate effectively with children and young people you must demonstrate to them the skills you need and how to use them. If a child or young person feels their contribution to a conversation or situation is not valued or recognised it will effect the way in which the child develops their communication skills and the trust in that relationship as they will not feel valued. Encourage pupils to talk and express themselves as often as possible as this may not be something that they have the opportunity to do, so may be lacking in experience and

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