Exploring Verbal and Nonverbal Modes of Communication

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Edgar Pachon Paper #2 Verbal Communication 9/30/17 Communication between people is done in two ways: verbally and nonverbally. Those are layman terms. The language of verbal communication is described as digital code, whereas nonverbal communication is called analog code. The main difference that you could probably presume is that verbal communication involves a language, or better yet, spoken words. Inversely, nonverbal communication integrates the use of symbols or gestures to communicate an idea or feeling. As a social species, communicating is key and very much an important factor to our way of life. Therefore, we create a language to use as a medium for connecting and understanding each other. To break down language a bit further, there are two things you have to consider when you think about any word; phonemes pertain to the pronunciation of parts of a word and morphemes are when phonemes are put together to give a word meaning and it all comes down to meaning. Meaning allows the …show more content…

The difference in cultures can be exemplified by the one word “straight”. In a world where gender identity is such a big issue, previous associated meanings with straight are cut and it goes through a metamorphosis to escape the bindings of an era where drugs was prevalent and ran rampant. This also could be seen by the word ball or rap. As Rappers and sports started to blow up into an international phenomenon, words like rap and ball started to lose their meanings of talking to and having fun respectively. Conversely, there are some words that don’t seem to change like partner or girl because they have been relatively untouched even though today’s culture can put the word girl under a huge amount of fire. To conclude, connotative meanings are dependent on the environment it is raised

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