Commonalities In Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar and Oedipus Rex, Two Apples from the Same Tree In Julius Caesar and Oedipus Rex the similarities are apparent even at face value, both stories are written by world renowned writers and both are set before the Common Era. However, when looked into deeper the two stories have massive commonalities. One subtle but important similarity is women who try to help but ultimately fail, shown through the progression of the stories. In Julius Caesar, his wife, Calpurnia first appears Act 2, Scene 2 scaring Caesar into not going to the senate by crying out in a dream and saying "Help, ho! They murder Caesar!” .Then, Caesar orders a servant to go to the priests and has them sacrifice an animal in order to read the entrails for predictions of the future. Calpurnia arrives and tells him that he dare not leave the house that day. The servant returns and tells him that the sacrificed animal did not have …show more content…

Caesar insists on misinterpreting the omens, but Calpurnia begs him to blame her for his absence from the Senate, to which he finally agrees and yet Caesar still goes to the senate when Decius arrives eventually leading to his death. In Oedipus Rex, his wife, Jocasta first appears after Oedipus and Creon have a fight. Jocasta asks Oedipus why he is so upset and he tells her what Tiresias prophesied. Jocasta comforts him by saying, “Then thou mayest ease thy conscience on that score. Listen and I'll convince thee that no man …Regard it not. Whate'er the god deems fit. To search, himself unaided will reveal, that there is no truth in oracles or prophets, and she has proof. Long ago an oracle told Laius that his own son would kill him, and as a result he and Jocasta gave their infant son to a shepherd to leave out on a hillside to die with a pin through its ankles. So Laius was killed by robbers, not by his own son, proof that the

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