Caesar Act 1 Scene 1

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In the first act, scene one of Julius Caesar, Caesar returns home from a long civil war to Rome. During this civil war, Caesar defeated the forces of Pompey and because of this, he now has the opportunity to take full control of Rome. During scene two, Caesar was warned of the ides of March or March 15 by a soothsayer while he was attending the traditional race at the festival of Lupercal. Cassius tries to turn Brutus against Caesar after Caesar leaves. Later Cassius and Brutus find out that Caesar rejected the crown presented by Antony thrice times so they must discuss what must happen to Caesar. In scene three, a terrible storm arrives on the night of March 15. Cassius and Casca agree that they should stop Caesar’s rise to power now so they …show more content…

His decision was helped made by a “anonymous” letter written by Cassius suggesting that he should take action. In scene 2, Caesar gets ready to go to the Capitol but Calpurnia, his wife, convinces him to stay home because of the many threatening omens but Decius, one of the conspirators, convinces him to go anyways. In scene three, Artemidorus, supporter of Caesar, reads a letter which he had written to warn Caesar about the plan that will kill Caesar. In scene four, Portia, Brutus’ wife, sends the servant Lucius to go and see what is happening at the Capital where she meets the Soothsayer who makes her even more anxious than she already …show more content…

At the Triumvirate, they discuss a list of their enemies who must be killed and how they will change Caesar’s will. Antony also explains how he feels about Lepidus as a leader once Lepidus leaves. In scene two, Brutus and Cassius go inside the tent to talk about their disagreements. Scene three begins with Brutus and Cassius arguing over Brutus accuse Cassius of corruption and greed. Later, after they make up, Cassius is informed of Portia’s death, all the killings in Rome, and of Antony and Octavius approaching with their armies. The act ends by Caesar’s ghost appearing to tell Brutus that he will see him at

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