Commercial Surrogate Motherhood

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Parenthood is a journey many people choose to undertake in their lives but when outside complications interfere with this desire, it can lead to the exploration of other avenues such as commercial surrogacy. Commercial surrogacy is an issue of human dignity as it attempts to discern how human life is valued and given meaning, questioning how we treat one another and what we are able to offer each other especially when another life is brought into consideration. In this essay, two perspectives will be discussed, Perspective 1: the commodification surrounding surrogacy and Perspective 3: the policy and media representations of surrogacy in society. Only by viewing human dignity as multidimensional in this situation are we able to protect and …show more content…

Anderson (2000) believes that the concept of surrogacy is wrong and a violation of human dignity as it makes a commodity of not only the female body with disregard to the woman's own feelings, but also the child. Anderson's beliefs come from the first category of human dignity, quadrants 1A and 1B: dignity that is inherent because of species membership and our own special human capacities. Our possession of distinctive abilities to be rational, moral, autonomous beings capable of love and deserving of freedom, are forcibly removed from both the children and the surrogate mothers through commercial surrogacy. The child loses their freedom and autonomy, as they are too young to verbalise their opinion or understand the situation. Their best interests are disregarded as they become a possession where the adults' seeking surrogacy make decisions based on their own interests and feelings. The surrogate mother's human dignity is also violated when her autonomy and ability to love that child are denied through these situations. The exchange of parental rights in these economic trades insinuates that a parent's love is not only interchangeable, but also easily discarded (Anderson, 2000). In conventional situations where the couple are able to create their own child without outside means, they are both have a duty and obligation to this child and child has a right to parents (Ekman, 2014). Why then is the connection and love that forms between a woman and the child growing inside of her not only expected to be overlooked but easily discarded and detached in surrogacy

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