Colorism And Social Inequality

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Colorism also knows as discrimination based on color, is a habit whereby preference is given to light skin people, over dark skinned people. In this system, Lighter skinned people are usually treated more favorably. Although it could be seen as a remnant of racism, colorism should not necessarily be confused with racism, as it is more of an issue of skin complexion rather than race, as colorism can be seen amongst the African-American community, and sometimes in East Asian cultures. One cannot help but ask; How does colorism affect individuals in a population. The hierarchy that values light skin complexions over dark skin complexions is an unfair and unjust act that can affect individuals socially, physically, mentally and psychology. This …show more content…

Social inequality may be defined as the existence of unequal opportunities and the uneven distribution of social positions or statuses within a population or society. Furthermore, social inequality can also lead to economic equality; which is the difference in the measures of economic welfare amongst people in a population. For example, Dark skin individuals are routinely being denied the access to resources and a fair opportunity and competition for housing, labor markets and schools. Meanwhile, light skin individuals are more likely to earn more money, live in better neighborhoods, and generally mole likely to have a merrier and higher status. According to CNN news anchor Wolf Blitzer; “The most devastated victims of hurricane Katrina are so black” (Blitzer, 2005). This comment is as a result of the specific type of people seen on Televisions nationwide, begging for …show more content…

This is because people who are light skinned are most times made to believe that they are superior based on their looks, thus promoting narcissism and a conceited attitude by having a false sense of worthiness and attractiveness. According to Webb, “light skinned girls believe that their lighter color makes them more worthy or beautiful than people who are dark skinned…it is an unfortunate attitude to have because their light skin ranks higher than their work ethic, personal achievements, personality and generally in the definition of who they are.” (Webb, 2015). However, it is also worth noting that not all light skinned people would have the stuck up or conceited disposition. Thus, it is sometimes unfair when all light skinned people are being stereotyped as having these same characteristics. This may further lead to a feeling of guilt and embarrassment, and alienation from people that are dark skinned in complexion. According to Webb on an interview that she carried out, she stated that; “an individual stated that she felt embarrassed by the perception that she must be stuck up or snobby because of her light skin.” Webb (2015). She also stated that light skin women may feel alienated because; “Light skin women sometimes feel like they do not belong to any racial group of people… it is often quite clear to them that they won’t be fully accepted by whites, and yet

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