Color Corrector

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Color Corrector
The thing about color correctors is they play a big role in trying to even the tone of your skin. There are different colors for different jobs. You have purple, green, red, neutral, yellow, and much more. The good thing is that these things exist because without the color correctors you would not be able to cover up the dark circles you get when your tired and have bags or the redness your face gets when its irratated or even when those nasty pimples come out of nowhere and destroy your face.

color_wheelWell with the help of the color correctors you are able to cover all that and more. Each color has its specific job. For example the reds are for the dark circles under your eyes, Green is for the redness of the skin. Green is also used for annoying zits, acne scars, and sunburns. Purple is used when you have yellow undertones on your skin. Girls with a pasty, dull, yellow skin tone will love how a purple color correctors adds a beautiful glow to their face. Yellow is used to brighten any area that you want to highlight. …show more content…

To master the art of color correcting is where this chart comes in handy. It really helps you learn the basics of what you need to know about the color of your skin tone. How to use the chart is very simple, for example you see how the red is directly across from the green on the wheel. Well the color green will neutralize any red color tones on your face. Which is why green color corrector is perfect for any redness on the skin. By simply using the color wheel, you’ll will better understand how to make those annoying problem areas on your skin,

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