Colonization In Peru

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Colonizing has a big effect on a country making it either beneficial or negative. It also leaves many legacies behind influencing how a country functions today. When a country gets colonized they are introduced to new cultures and ideas that are brought over by the country that colonizes them. During the colonial period of Peru the Spanish brought over their culture and ideas influencing and leaving behind different legacies. These legacies that are left behind affect a country throughout their development of a country. Francisco Pizarro and his Spanish settlements were responsible for the conquering of Peru in 1532. Peru inhabitants were known as Incas and they lived in the Inca Empire. Peru is in the South American continent located on the …show more content…

Before the Spanish arrived to the country of Peru they had their main language, known as Quechua. The Spanish made Peru’s primary language their secondary language, changing the whole education system. All of Peru’s population was now focused on Spanish; they were forced to learn the new language. The Europeans changed the Incas language affecting the government and its education system. Making Spanish the primary language in Peru helped Peru in a great way improving on its literacy rate. The Europeans brought over their culture, the Spanish language, changing the educational system in Peru completely. Peru now is a Spanish speaking country because learning Spanish was enforced during the colonial period. Peru’s primary language today is still Spanish and not many of the inhabitants in Peru know how to speak Quechua. Since the Spanish brought over their Spanish language it carried on to todays present time impacting the Quechan language by not making it familiar to …show more content…

The colonial times of Peru left behind the legacies of the social system, economy, and education. Peru was known as the land of abundance and Pizarro’s goal was to conquer the Inca Empire. All legacies that were left behind impacted the country of Peru in different ways. The education system of Peru was completely changed and because of that change Peru is now a Spanish speaking country. This was beneficial to Peru because it improved the literacy rate of their country helping it become more developed as the years go by. The social systems were impacted in way where many different

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