College Admissions Essay: Overcoming Obstacles

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Albert Einstein once stated “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”. Throughout my life, I have faced numerous obstacles, which have forced me to keep pedaling even when my balance was gradually becoming unstable. Approximately 2 years ago, my family and I decided to move from Kansas to Washington since my father acquired a position at Microsoft. As you might imagine leaving everything you have come to cherish over the past 16 years of your life would be extremely difficult. However, I persevered and kept my balance as I escalated up this steep hill. In a few months, nearly all of us will experience a new hill waiting to be conquered. This hill is called college. All of us who choose to undergo this challenge will struggle and several of us will venture off course, but the remaining persistent bikers will surmount this hill and end up with a degree. In my case, I’m going to kick my legs into 5th gear and start ascending this hill at Bellevue College. …show more content…

I was constantly observing acts of cruelty while I was advancing through high school and never could convince myself to assist those in need. Until one day during my sophomore year, I observed a naked male freshman being dragged into the women's locker room by 3 male seniors and at that moment something sparked within me which modified my life forever. I realized standing up for others is a necessity, even if they’re not willing to stand up for themselves. Therefore, I acted and ordered the 3 seniors to leave the defenseless freshmen alone. As you might anticipate the 3 seniors disliked what I stated and ultimately, I got jumped by the 3 seniors. Even though I got my ass kicked, I’m still delighted I stood up for that freshmen because I realize it was the moral thing to

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