Collaborative Research Essay: Truman, Eisenhower And Kennedy And The Policy Of Containment

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Collaborative Research Essay How did Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy plan to stop communism? Eisenhower, Truman and Kennedy all had ideas that affected the next president’s doctrine. The Policy of Containment is a U.S policy in 1940s to stop the spread of communism. Truman believes in the Policy of Containment. Truman said only the USA would give Greece money (Truman). If Turkey needs assistance, The Unites States of America must supply it for them (Truman). No nation is willing or able to supply the need for the democratic Greek Government (Kennedy 1) Also the British government can not give anymore help for financial or economic aid after March 31st (Truman 1). Turkey needs our attention to ( Truman 2). Integrity is essential to the preservation of order in the Middle East (Truman 2). Truman believes that we must assist free peoples to work their own destinies in whatever way they want to (Truman 2). We absolutely need to take immediate and resolute action (Kennedy 3). If we falter our leadership, we may endanger peace of our world--and endanger the welfare of our own nation (Truman 3). Responsibilities have been place upon us by the swift of movement events (Truman 3). He is positive that the congress will face the problems squarely ( Truman 3). Unlike Eisenhower, Truman used a Policy of Containment (Truman). The First World War, there has been a steady evolution toward self-government (Eisenhower). Also Russia’s rules had an idea to dominate the Middle East (Eisenhower). International Communism needs and seeks a recognizable success (Eisenhower 2). Proposed legislation is designed to deal with possibility of communism aggression. Either direct or indir... ... middle of paper ... ...resident’s doctrine. Works Cited Ayers, Edward L., Robert D. Schulzinger, Jesus F. de la Teja, and Deborah Gray White, eds. American Anthem Reconstruction to the Present. Austin: A Harcourt Education Company, 2009. Print. Eisenhower, Dwight. D. “ The Eisenhower Doctrine On The Middle East.” Joint Session of Congress. Washington D.C. 5 Jan. 1957. Kennedy, John F. “President John F. Kennedy’s University of Washington’s Speech.” University of Washington’s 100th Anniversary. Seattle, Washington. 16 Nov. 1961. Address. Primary Sources: Work shops in American History. Annenberg Learner, 6 Dec. 2013. Web. 6 Dec. 2013 Truman, Harry. “Truman Doctrine.” Joint Session of Congress. Washington D.C. 12 Mar. 1947. Congressional Address. The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. Yale Law School Lillian Goldman Law Library, 2008. Web. 6 Dec. 2013.

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