Cold War

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Since the British Empire conquered North America, Canada has been a tightly connected colony of Britain. Canada has always under British rule and their cultures and national identity copied each other. However, after the Second Cold War Canada became culturally different in comparison to Britain and was lacking their own individual national identity. Joining NORAD, introducing a new Canadian flag, and fact that Canada’s Constitution was patriated helped ameliorate an identity for Canada. These advances of becoming an autonomous country after the Second World War helped Canada where it is today.
After the Second World War, even though Britain won the war, their empire was not as strong as when it started the war. Canada made huge contributions to help the Allies win, but once the Cold War started Canada took one small step at becoming independent. The major advancement Canada made was the joining of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NORAD). NORAD was created by western countries where they all formed a protective alliance against the USSR. The amazing part of this program is th...

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