Coffee Shop Fieldwork

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1. What do you want to know? Fill in the blanks: I am studying the: day-to-day operations of a coffee shop because I want to find out: what role patrons and employees play within the coffee shop in order to understand: the hierarchy of the patrons and employees of the shop 2.What is the research question you will investigate? How does the use of coffee shops differ between patrons and employees? How do the differing uses contribute toward a patron-employee hierarchy within the shop? 1. What is the fieldwork context you plan to research? I plan on researching the coffee shop setting by looking at Global Village, a local Raleigh coffee shop. 2. How will you gain access to the community you want to study? Global Village is a public coffee shop and is very …show more content…

4. How might aspects of your identity shape your social position and the fieldwork process? Being a student may shape my social position because I can understand the point-of-view of students when it comes to using coffee shops to do school work. This may allow me to have a better understanding of why patrons use coffee shops, but I will also need to focus on taking into account other patrons opinions regarding coffee shops as a place to work. Being a student may also alter the times I will be able to observe and participate due to classes, work and other activities. Since I am not available during the day, the main times I will be conducting my research is during mornings, evenings and weekends. I feel that this could help provide multiple perspectives since the patrons in the coffee shop are likely to differ throughout the day and the employees will have different tasks according to the time of

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