Cocaine First of all this research paper will examine the history of cocaine, answer exactly who used it, effects of the drug and its addictive nature. People choose to write about cocaine so that others can clearly see and understand its historical origins and dangerous properties. Those who experiment with drugs should become aware of their dangerous effects and take caution. The more people that become knowledgeable about cocaine, the more they can protect themselves from seriously endangering themselves. Cocaine users that are seriously dependent on the drug can seek treatment and rehabilitate. Most cocaine users do not realize they have a problem until it becomes too late. Much like the alcoholic, a cocaine dependent’s body has accepted the drug and is used to it being in the body’s system. When the body needs it, and the user does not have it, withdrawal takes place. In this case, a long, gradual process of lessening the dosage is the only route for success. Experiments were conducted involving the effects of crack cocaine on case studies in Toronto. It is important that people monitor and stay knowledgeable about cocaine, “as medical experiments done at the turn of the century lacked today’s sophistication” (Karch A Brief History of Cocaine 11). These case studies are crucial to research if we are to fully understand the drug, its effects and its addictive nature. We can also observe from a safe pedestal the effect it has on society as a whole. This information was never really made public in the past, because researchers did not know much about the drug to begin with. In Toronto, “a core premise of media and law enforcement claims of an epidemic is that crack’s quick and intense high quickly leads to com... ... middle of paper ... ...rt moment, their problems disappear. In the article, “Resisting Cocaine’s Tragic Lure” by Farrington, a recovering cocaine addict said it best by exclaiming, “I was always looking for the answer to the question ‘How can I feel better?’…it never occurred to me I could do that on my own [without drugs].” Work Cited Karch, Steven B. The Pathology of Drug Abuse. Boca Raton, FL: CBC Press, 1993. Karch, Steven B. A Brief History of Cocaine. Boca Raton, FL: CBC Press, 2000. Erickson, Pat.,et al. The Steel Drug. New York: Lexington Books, 1987. Farrington, Jan. “Resisting Cocaine’s Tragic Lure.” Current Health 25.6 (1999): 6-13. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 14 Oct. 2002. Carpenter, S. “Cocaine Use Boosts Heart- Attack Risk.” Science News 155.23 (1999): 356. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 14 Oct. 2002
Francisco Pizarro was a famous Spanish explorer. On September 13, 1524, Francisco Pizarro set sail from Panama to a conquest of Peru. He brought about eighty men and forty horses with him. In 1528, Pizarro went back to Spain managed to obtain in a group of people from Emperor Charles V. Francisco Pizarro was known for capturing the Inca Emperor, Emperor Atahualpa, in 1532. In 1533, Pizarro conquered Peru.
“Just Say No!” A statement that takes us deep into yet another decade in the history of the United States which was excited by controversies, social issues, and drug abuse. The topic of this statement is fueled by the growing abuse of cocaine in the mid 1980s. I shall discuss the effects of the crack cocaine epidemic of the mid 1980s from a cultural and social stand point because on that decade this country moved to the rhythms and the pace of this uncanny drug. Cocaine took its told on American society by in the 1980s; it ravaged with every social group, race, class, etc. It reigned over the United States without any prejudices. Crack cocaine was the way into urban society, because of its affordability in contrast to the powdered form. In society the minorities were the ones most affected by the growing excess of crime and drug abuse, especially African Americans; so the question was “Why was nearly everybody convicted in California federal court of crack cocaine trafficking black?” (Webb: Day 3). The growing hysteria brought forth many questions which might seem to have concrete answers, but the fact of the matter is they are all but conspiracy in the end, even though it does not take away the ambiguity and doubt. I will take on only a few topics from the vast array of events and effects this period in time had tended to. Where and who this epidemic seemed to affect more notably, and perhaps how the drugs came about such territories and people. What actions this countries authority took to restore moral sanity, and how it affected people gender wise.
The biggest question people ask is if the “war on drugs” was successful. According to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), “The goals of the program are to reduce illicit drug use, manufacturing and trafficking, drug-related crime and violence, and drug-related health consequences.” The best way to measure the effectiveness of the “war on drugs” is to focus on these basic questions; Is drug use down? Is crime down? and Are drugs less available? Since 1988, drug use by individuals ages 12 and over has remained stable according to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA). The number of individuals reporting any drug use has increased by approximately 7 million and the number of those who reported drug use in previous months or previous years has remained unchanged. The Organization Monitoring the Future studies drug use, access to drugs, and perspectives towards drugs of junior and senior high school students nationwide. Results of a study conducted in 2005 showed a minor decline in substance abuse by older teens, but drug use among eighth graders stopped remained the same. However, the changes were not statistically significant and ultimately there was no reduction in substance abuse among young students. Crime in the United States has decreased significantly since 1993, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. On the other hand,
Cocaine is a powerful addictive drug that affects the whole body in different ways. This drug has been around in America since 1855. In this year there were products that the average person used that had amounts of cocaine in it. The products that had cocaine in it were the beverage coke cola and medicine for numbing your gums. But before manufactures’ were using cocaine in things we use, three thousand years before the ancient Inca people use to chew coca leaves, which is one of the ingredients of making cocaine. They chewed coco leaves to get there heart racing and to speed up their breathing so they can work longer hours and because they lived where there was thin air. Also by them chewing the coco leaves it would tell their body that they aren’t hunger because they didn’t have enough food to eat. Cocaine was really popular between 1970s and 1980s in New York City. It was a large amount of people that died from this drug around this time.
The use of cocaine in the United States has declined over the last twenty years while the use of crack has increased. Many people avoided the use of crack because of the harmful chemicals used in creating the drug. One of the reasons why crack became popular is because of not needing to inject the drug hence less risks of being infected by the AIDS virus. Carroll (2000) states cocaine is the most powerful stimulant of natural origin. Most users snort or inject the drug to enable a quicker “high.” Cocaine use brings on many health problems. Fatal complications occur from regular use, for example, liver damage, seizures, elevated blood pressure causing stroke, heart failure, or heart attack.
Cocaine originated from South America, from coca leaves. Originally, the coca leaves were chewed by workers to decrease fatigue, improve endurance and have a greater resistance to the cold. This was to benefit the workers so they could work longer hours and be more productive. In 1855 the active ingredient in cocaine was isolated from the leaves, and in 1880 it was used as a local anesthetic (Nunes,2006). It was also used in coca cola. In 1855, coca cola was a soda beverage that contained sixty milligrams of cocaine for every eight ounces of the beverage. The idea behind this was to give people energy and a sense of well being (Nunes, 2006). By the late 1880s Sigmund Freud was using cocaine regularly and was even recommending it to others. This only lasted for less than twenty years, until he started discouraging it to others. Then by 1914 cocaine was banned for medical use and in beverages. This caused the use of cocaine and by the 1930s, the use had drastically decreased. It then became popular for recreational use in the 1980s (Nunes, 2006). It was often used and shown in movies such as Scarface, and is famous for the amount of cocaine that Al Pacino uses in one of the final scenes of the movie. Now it is still used recreationally and used by a ‘party crowd’. Although this is the primary category of people who use cocaine, people of all demographics use cocaine recreationally.
animals going extinct. Often times humans can get what want and need: like food, shelter, warmth, and help. Sadly plants and animals can not just get what they want; they have to survive. Many time the environment will harm or make it harder for thee plants and animals to survive off of what they find, not what they buy. As humans, we need plant and animals to survive. Many of the plant and animals are used for medicine and so could be cures are some incurable illnesses. In this essay the reader will learn about endangered species dying off, why it would benefit us to protect these species, save time because of ecological effects, and what we can do to help and so we can save and benefit the environment.
Corporate culture is the shared values and meanings that members hold in common and that are practiced by an organization’s leaders. Corporate culture is a powerful force that affects individuals in very real ways. In this paper I will explain the concept of corporate culture, apply the concept towards my employer, and analyze the validity of this concept. Research As Sackmann's Iceberg model demonstrates, culture is a series of visible and invisible characteristics that influence the behavior of members of organizations. Organizational and corporate cultures are formal and informal. They can be studied by observation, by listening and interacting with people in the culture, by reading what the company says about its own culture, by understanding career path progressions, and by observing stories about the company. As R. Solomon stated, “Corporate culture is related to ethics through the values and leadership styles that the leaders practice; the company model, the rituals and symbols that organizations value, and the way organizational executives and members communicate among themselves and with stakeholders. As a culture, the corporation defines not only jobs and roles; it also sets goals and establishes what counts as success” (Solomon, 1997, p.138). Corporate values are used to define corporate culture and drive operations found in “strong” corporate cultures. Boeing, Johnson & Johnson, and Bonar Group, the engineering firm I work for, all exemplify “strong” cultures. They all have a shared philosophy, they value the importance of people, they all have heroes that symbolize the success of the company, and they celebrate rituals, which provide opportunities for caring and sharing, for developing a spiri...
The Hotel industry has become very important in the past years due to immense traveling and growth of international business. Hotel industry not only plays an important role in the life of people but as well as the economy of the country. Development and advancement in the Hotel industry have rapidly been taking place and especially since the rapid change in technology, it is very important for hotels to be promptly keeping up to date. When the hotel industry is spoken of, there are many famous hotels but one hotel company that has been outstanding in growth and other aspects of business, like in Leadership, Teamwork (Employee turnover), Motivation (Customer retention and satisfaction, Goals and objectives, (changing the way hotel business has worked), and Change within the company; structurally inside and physically outside, adding elements, like entertainment, gaming, and outdoor activities, is the Hilton Hotel Company.
In Wilcove’s article, it is examined within the 50 states the four types of animals being discussed such as mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians with the possibility of becoming extinct or critically imperiled determined by The Nature Conservancy (TNC). David Wilcove states that, “A total of 2,490 imperiled species, subspecies, and populations fit these criteria” (Wilcove, Rothstein, Dubow, Phillips, & Losos, 1998, p. 607). In response, within these 2,490 animals at risk the science of these problems is that their home is destroyed, and when introduced to a new environment they cannot adapt to the normal life in the same manner. Native animals cannot compete with the new species discovered and...
One first issue is introduced in the article Civil Engineering Grand Challenges: Opportunities for Data Sensing, Information Analysis, and Knowledge Discovery written by several engineers. Ten current challenges were selected to be investigated further five have been included here. First to analyze was high building energy consumption, which includes: lightning, heating, cooling, and running of appliances. With the resource scarcity ...
The use of drugs is a controversial topic in society today. In general, addicts show a direct link between taking drugs and suffering from their effects. People abuse drugs for a wide variety of reasons. In most cases, the use of drugs will serve a type of purpose or will give some kind of reward. These reasons for use will differ with different kinds of drugs. Various reasons for using the substance can be pain relief, depression, anxiety and weariness, acceptance into a peer group, religion, and much more. Although reasons for using may vary for each individual, it is known by all that consequences of the abuse do exist. It is only further down the line when the effects of using can be seen.
In today's society we can't imagine our infrastructures without the help of civil engineers. It all started with the ancient civilizations. It started off with the Egyptians and the Mayans. In this essay I will discuss the history of civil engineering ,famous engineers and the prospects of engineering in the future years.
Critically endangered species are somewhat different from just endangered species; they face an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future. Unlike regular endangered species who only face a high risk of becoming extinct. In 1973, the United States passed the Endangered Species Act, this act is one many of United States environmental laws that were passed in the 1970. Simply, the act was passed to protect critically risked species from extinction.
In order to survive, they should be viewed, however, as a new challenge and an opportunity to play a leadership role in shaping the future society. To respond to this challenge, civil engineers will need a solid knowledge of the physical sciences, and a continued eagerness to explore new areas and apply the latest research results. Russell mentions that professional engineering need to come with a new ways, and to think outside the box of traditional in order to overcome this obstacle challenge in the introduction of his “Shaping the Future of the Civil Engineering Profession” (Russell 2013).