Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sunkist, Or Sprite

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Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sunkist, or Sprite; each and every single soda is bad for our bodies. Most of us grow up consuming so much of it without being aware of the horrible outcomes it can lead to. Whether we consume so much of it for the caffeine or just because we think, “it goes good with our food”, soda is horrible. Some of us cut off soda and drink juice thinking it is any better but it is equivalent to soda. It is not the actual soda that is bad for you but the amount of sugar that it contains that is bad for you. Whether you eliminate soda and drink juice instead, it still has the exact same outcome in the long run. As Robert H. Lustig mentioned in “Sugar: The Bitter Truth”, one can of soda a day is 150 calories. Just one can of Coca Cola contains 39 grams of sugar, which in the long run adds up to 15 extra pounds you gained the entire year (Lustig). Just 20 minutes into drinking a can of Coca Cola your …show more content…

I did not and still do not consume as much water is I should be but at least I drink some. Water tastes like absolutely nothing; therefore, I just cannot have too much of it. I try to drink at least a water bottle or two each day just to balance out between all the sugars I intake from other drinks. This time, this worked. I went to my physician once again and my cholesterol was back to normal. Lets say I drink two Glacier Freeze 20-ounce Gatorade bottles a day. That is 476 grams of sugar each week, 1,904 grams each month, and 22,848 a year. 22,848 grams of sugar a year just by drinking two Gatorade bottles every single day (not that I do). Imagine if I were to add all of the other sugary foods that I consume on a daily basis. At this point, I’d rather not even know how long it would take to burn all of the calories that the sugar turns into although it is actually a great

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