Coach Cheeks: My Hero's Life

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It amazes me how one person can impact your life so much. Fenton Cheeks, my godfather, was more than just a family friend to me. Coach Cheeks was a very optimistic and motivational person. He played a major role in making me who I am today. My godfather was there for me when nobody else was. Even though my father wasn’t really in my life, he replaced him as a father-figure. Coach always kept me on my feet and guided me to be the best person I can be.

The connection between me and Coach Cheeks was like a dog and it’s owner. We used to just sit there and talk about what I wanted and needed to do in life. His wisdom and knowledge about life was very interesting to me. He is the main reason why I started playing basketball. He used to tell me, “ With hardwork and dedication, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to “. Coach Cheeks coached me in basketball for 8 years straight. I have so many memories with him, from winning basketball championships to listening to old school music on long car rides. I will never have the same bond with any other father-figure that comes into my life. Our …show more content…

That outstanding individual that got me to who I am today was my godfather. He made a very inspiring and motivational impact on my life. He was more than just my godfather, he was also my coach, my mentor, and a tremendous father figure. If I could bring him back into this world to inspire others, I would. He always kept me up when I was down. Coach Cheeks was one of the few people that I had a close connection with. When he passed away, it felt like everything in life was pointless. Ever since then, I put my mind strictly on school and basketball. I tend to succeed in life and be the greatest person I can be, in his honor. In conclusion, Fenton Cheeks is a very important person in my life, that had a significant impact on my

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