Clownfishes Research Paper

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Clownfishes are territorial. They defend their host and a limited area around it. In the wild, the clownfishes can be found associating with 10 different species of sea anemones. When threatened by a predator, clownfishes dive among the tentacles of their host, often temporarily vanishing from sight among the anemone's appendages. When the threat is gone, the fish will reemerge. The host specificity exhibited be clownfishess varies from one species to the next. for example, the maroon clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus) is almost always found associating with the bubble tip sea anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) (Michael, 2008).
Most clownfishes live in groups that consist of a female, a male, and several subadults and/or juveniles. The female is

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