Clonng: Who's a copycat

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Cloning is a real process that scientists use today to reproduce an exact living copy of DNA from the DNA of another living organism. When the idea of cloning first came about in the early 1800’s people believed it to be more science fiction than actual science. People didn’t understand the concept of cloning and therefore was naturally scared of the subject. It is best understood by how the Department of Animal Sciences at Cornell University explains it, “Cloning is a method of producing two or more genetically identical organisms by asexual reproduction. This means that there is only one parent cell, from which all the genetic information will come. Thus, the DNA sequence of cloned organisms is exactly the same as that of the parent cell.” Despite the general population’s disbelief there have been major scientific advances in the cloning process in the last fifty years. After many years of trial and error the first successful clone was created.
The process of cloning may look like twenty-first century science but the history of cloning goes back all the way to 1885. Hans Adolf Edward Dreisch was the first person to ever demonstrate the process of artificial embryo twinning. By simply shaking a two celled sea urchin embryo he made a landmark discovery. When shaken the two celled embryos split apart creating two identical celled embryos. After the cells separated they grew into two sea urchins. This discovery proved two things, that embryos have their own genetic instructions, and have the ability to grow into a complete organism.
Hans Spemann was the next person to make an important discovery in 1902. He attempted to split apart a two-celled embryo of a salamander. He accomplished this task by using a baby’s hair to split th...

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...rough cloning we could eliminate some disadvantages that some animal species have towards climates, or immune
Another perk to cloning is that we could possibly alter animals to give more effective products, or more desirable products. For example a herd of sheep in Montreal have a gene in their DNA that lets them produce spider silk through their milk. It is said that bulletproof vests can be made from this silk. Just imagine the possibilities if we were able to create such animals. By using the cloning process, they can make many products that can be helpful to the environment and the people.
When the idea of cloning first started it was thought to be a fictitious idea. The idea that cloning could one day become reality was thought to be a scientific impossibility by many experts. However we have now seen that what was thought to be "purely fiction" became reality.

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