Cloning Right or Wrong?

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Cloning Right or Wrong?

Have you ever heard of cloning before? Well it has a lot of ups and its downs, many people are against it and many are for it? In my paper you will hear and of the good things and the bad things that happen in cloning and you can decide if you think it is right or wrong.


When I looked up the definition for cloning on www.m-w .com it stated that cloning is to propagate a clone from or to make a copy of. A book on cloning that I read stated that cloning is genetically identical cells. Cloning’s history is as early as 1952 and the first cell transferring was in 1970. The cell process was not 100 percent accurate every time. Back in the 1970’s many scientists struggled with trying to clone something and it turned out later on that it was much simpler than what was at first thought by many scientists.


There are many problems that have up rose with cloning in the past few decades. A person on the website of stated his thoughts saying, "Cloning, even so-called therapeutic or experimental cloning, creates a new life without a father, and reduces a mother to the provider of an almost emptied egg. Nonetheless, it is a new human life and the determination to destroy it and limit its use to scientific research for therapeutic ends compound further the moral issues rather than protect mankind. As such, cloning embryonic human life under any circumstance crosses an ethical line, takes an irrevocable step, from which science can never turn back." Many people think that it is against God’s will to clone animals and that is the huge problem with cloning. In Colossians 1:16 is states “We were created by God for his purpose.” Religion is one of the biggest problems when it come...

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...” You never know you could go to a Mc. Donald’s and order a hamburger and it could be meat from a cloned animal. It is very unlikely but how would you really know?


No new animals have been cloned yet this year but I’m sure that some will later on in the year. Do you think that it is right to clone animals? I am excited to hear more about cloning in the later years in life. Can you imagine possibly having a clone of yourself and have them doing stuff for you while you go and have fun with friends? I think that cloning is starting to get out of hands and that we should just leave it up to God. I guess that we will just have to wait it out and see where cloning takes us.

Daniel: Gave many facts didn’t really prove anything, maybe look for more inviting attention getter, look at thesis statement, add headings, work the kinks out of it, make it flow.

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