Client Self Assessment: A Case Study

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Client self-reported as a 25-year-old, Caucasian, single, employed male referred to clinic by self-due to substance use. Client has a diagnostic impression of 304.00 Severe Heroin Related Use Disorder/Dependence, 304.10 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorder/Severe/Sustained Full Remission and 304.40 Amphetamine-type Substance Use Disorder, Severe/Sustained Full Remission. Client appears clinically appropriate for Level 1 OTP with medication assistance due to the following ASAM: Dimension 1: (Medium) Client self-reported moderate withdrawals hot flashes, runny nose, restless legs and achy. Client denies history of seizures, hallucinations or delusions. Client self-reported last use of Heroin was four days ago where he consumed $60 worth …show more content…

Client denies current medication. Client self-reported adverse effects of medications. Client denies the need for assistive technology. Client denies allergies. Client denies insurance and denies referral. Client self-reported Hep C diagnosis untreated and denies referral. Dimension 3: (Low) Client denies current mental health concerns. Client self-reported earlier diagnosis of anxiety, depression and ADHD. Client denies current mental health medications. Client self-reported adverse effects from medication. Client self-reported able to self-manage his ADLS. Client denies current homicidal or suicidal ideation, attempts or plans. Client self-reports engaging in high risk situations. Client denies history of emotional, sexual or physical abuse as a witness, victim or perpetrator. Client denies trauma. Dimension 4: (Medium) Client self-reported problem “Heroin.” Client self-reported previous experience with substance abuse and mental health facilities. Client self-reported self-groups and has attended one since discharge from prison. Client self-reported history of drug-poisoning/hospitalizations due to substance use. Client self-reported on probation. Motivation of change "I have insight on being free soon do to getting off parole and being able to start fresh." Client appears in the preparation stage of change due to use history, willingness to follow program rules and

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