Classroom Discipline and Management for the Beginning Teacher

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Classroom Discipline and Management for the Beginning Teacher

Affective teaching from a beginning teachers view deals with a lot of different concerns. “Beginning teachers deal with room discipline, motivating students, accommodating differences among students, evaluating students work, dealing with parents as the most serious challenges, and classroom management or maintaining classroom discipline” (Education, 2001, p.8). All these are main parts of what beginning teachers have concerns about. The focus of this paper will deal with classroom management and all the parts necessary to maintain classroom discipline.

Classroom discipline and management maybe among the most difficult challenges for beginning teachers (Gordon, 2001, p.1). “Classroom management is techniques used to maintain a healthy learning environment, relatively free of behavior problems. But at the same time it is unethical to use class management techniques just to keep students docile and quiet” (Education, 2001, p.436). Successful classroom management can set the stage for optimal learning, as well as reduce stress on the teacher. “Both professional and personal reasons underlie the need far a specific classroom management system. Virtually little or no learning can occur in a classroom bereft of effective management and discipline. In classes lacking discipline, precious learning time is wasted as the attempts to implement management strategies. “In all effective classroom management and ...

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