Classical And Classical Conditioning

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1. Classical Conditioning- It is a learning process when a conditioned stimulus goes together with an unconditioned stimulus multiple times until the conditioned stimulus is strong enough to evoke a response on its own. Let’s say a male takes this certain intersection every day to work, but now this one time he gets in an accident at this intersection. Now every time he goes through this accident he feels uncomfortable and anxious. He may start sweating profusely and gets really nervous. This is an example of how classical conditioning works in everyday life and you may not recognize it. This type of learning can affect people’s social lives. Like from the example when this guy gets in an accident he conditions himself to fear the intersection. He copes with this fear by getting all nervous and frustrated. This term can deal with how people cope under certain situations and effect there whole lifestyle. If a kid was beaten by his parents when he did not get …show more content…

Operant Conditioning- Another type of learning when voluntary responses are controlled by their outcome or consequence. So whatever you do in a scenario is already determined by the known outcome. An example would be a kid clowns around in class because he knows he will get attention and it is making him more popular. Another example would be that the parents of a kid give in to buying him a new toy, so he stops crying and complaining. Operant conditioning is pretty much why most people do things. You know if you go to work and do your job you will get paid and not fired. The reason why students go to school is because they know the outcome will be better grades and that leads to a degree. This is how most people think they know if they do something or don’t do something that they get a specific outcome. The way social situations work is with operant conditioning. Some people may act horribly to others because they know that their friend group likes it. This term controls your everyday thinking and

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