Class Abuse In David Hardy's Jude The Obscure

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Jude the Obscure appeared in 1895, immediately causing scandal and controversy. The story takes place mainly in Wessex, a name Hardy gives for the area including Somerset and Dorset, where he spent most of his childhood. Hardy wanted his audience's attention to be focused on the class divisions in society. The psychology and interactions of the characters are far more complex than in his previous characters. Instead of pure romantic love, the relationships of the protagonist, Jude, with his two lovers, Arabella and Sue, are quite complicated. The story begins with the schoolmaster, Mr Phillotson, packing his possessions with the help of his 11-year-old devoted student, Jude Fawley. Mr Phillotson is leaving the village of Marygreen for Christminster. …show more content…

Three years later, Jude has become a trained stonemason. He comes across the portrait of his beautiful cousin, Sue, and his great aunt tells him that she is in Christminster. This finally motivates Jude to set off for Christminster in search of both Sue and his former schoolmaster Mr Phillotson. Jude takes the first job he can find as a stonecutter and studies diligently in the evenings. He persuades his great aunt to send him Sue's portrait, which Jude puts on the mantelpiece,' kissed it – he did not know why – and felt more at home', and 'was the one thing uniting him to the emotions of the living city'. Jude has fallen in love with his cousin, whom he has not even met, but Jude himself is blind to …show more content…

When a school inspector unexpectedly turns up at the school, the inexperienced Sue becomes extremely upset and needs to be comforted by Mr Phillotson. Jude sees Phillotson putting his hand around Sue's waist. 'He's too old for her', Jude thinks. However, he cannot do anything because he is still married to Arabella. Jude then hears from Sue that she is going to Melchester to a teacher training college. She tells him that she is engaged to Mr Phillotson and plans to marry him once she finishes training. A few months later, Sue indicates to Jude that she is unhappy in her marriage to Phillotson and that their marriage has not been consummated. Sue becomes so dissatisfied with Phillotson that they agree to divorce. Jude meets Arabella by coincidence in a pub, where she asks Jude for a divorce so that she can legally marry an Australian man. At last, the two divorces come through. Although Jude persuades Sue to marry him, Sue prefers that they live together as friends without any sexual relationship. Her explanation is that she does not want to be tied down by the institution of marriage. Until one night, Arabella calls at their house and says she has something to talk to Jude about in her hotel. Sue is clearly jealous and objects to Jude visiting Arabella. Jude insists and accuses Sue of not giving him what he wants. It is only at this point that Sue reluctantly agrees to make love with

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