Political Power and Inequality in Democratic Societies

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Approximately sixty percent of Americans strongly agree with that it is necessary to give equal opportunities and provide aids for helping each individual in succeeding (Bartels 131). Yet when it comes to equality, who actually decide how equal everyone should be. My answer is people who have power in controlling politics. Politics, a word that everyone understand the meaning, but not everyone have the equivalent knowledge in understanding. No matter which democratic countries, perhaps all of them are facing the same political issue which is the inequality between the rich and the poor or the majority and the minority. Why do people have adverse opinions toward politics? It is true that the media often choose to broadcast the negative sides …show more content…

The promoting of civil rights reform, eliminating discrimination, and integrating school are like pretty fireworks. At the moment when the fireworks light up the sky, everyone claps and shouts. However, after the end of the show, everyone begins to blame about how hard to get out of the crowd. Although there is no direct figure in Bartels book that ties the theory of backlash together with increasing in inequality, there are some indirect facts that bring these two events together. In Frymer’s book states that “The civil rights issues... desirable by the Blacks leave many whites unhappy… (Frymer 103)”, it shows that once the leader shows the interests toward African Americans, the party pose a risk in losing the white …show more content…

As we know that African Americans have certain groups that are representing them and running for their rights, such as Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). However, there is no direct association or even a small group that represent for the low-income group. Although the low-income group does not face severe discrimination or redlining problem, they are actually just same as African Americans who cannot find better jobs and cannot afford better housing. It is true that some groups, such as CBC, may mention about economic issues in their legislative agenda, but most of them are more related to their own group

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