Civil Disobedience Necessary

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In physics class, students learn all about Newton’s first law which states that an object at rest will stay at rest while an object in motion will stay in motion unless it is acted upon by a force. So, it shouldn't be a surprise that we the students, believe that civil disobedience is necessary to keep America great. If we the students apply Newton's first law to our world, as the Enlightenment encouraged, we can see that only by applying a force can change occur. Likewise, it is only through civil disobedience and peaceful resistance to laws that can change the course and society and propel social progress for humanity as a whole.
Historians note one of the earliest examples of American civil disobedience as the Stamp Act Congress. True spirit …show more content…

In the spirit of 1776, the Women’s March relishes in diversity to show that their presence in numbers too great to ignore. The Women’s March on Washington this year sent a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and it showed to the world that women's rights are human rights. Their civil disobedience bases itself on the First Amendment and stands on the ideal that church and state must continue to be separated and that equality for all should be a reality. Those women who stood together did so as true patriots, standing up for what they believed in, ensuring that the wheels of America’s social progress continue to turn. It is civil disobedience that drives true change for all Americans. Civil disobedience, as described by Thoreau, positively affects society since it allows America’s legacy of free speech to live on in the spirit of 1776. One must realize that peace must be fought for. As paradoxical as it may seem, civic virtue demands that one fights for what one believes is right and just. Thus, when the Women’s march fought for equality this year, the nation sincerely embodied the spirit of 1776 once

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