Civic Responsibility Definition

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I would like to begin by telling you what the definition of “Civic Responsibility” is: “Responsibility of the Citizen”. That is not the definition that I, myself, take as the meaning. To me, Civic Responsibility means that, “If you are going to consider yourself part of a group, or civilization, then you have to pull your weight. Whether that be through your work, or just keeping your neighborhood clean, everyone has a job, and they should be expected to do that task in a timely manner.” Now, whether or not you agree with that statement or not, that was my opinion, and we are all entitled to our own. I believe that the purpose of this assignment was to get us thinking about how others felt, and acted towards someone who is out changing the …show more content…

People wait in a huge line for hours and hours, but once they get their food, they knew it was worth the wait. Choosing this for my service project was a no-brainer, it involved the community, enough hours to complete the task, and volunteering. I wish that the foundation was a year round thing but they only serve during Thanksgiving holiday. It take 9 months for them to raise the money to put it on, and it take around $25,000 to do so. They get churches on board, local schools, and businesses of all kinds. I think the job I did there was important when it comes to my ideal of Civic Responsibility, because I was there for the people who could not help themselves in this expensive time of year. I pushed a shopping cart and filled it up with food, all while talking about their lives and making them smile and laugh, after the cart was full, I would load the food into their vehicles and send them on their …show more content…

I had to deal with some really nice people, as well as some pretty crazy ones. You just have to be nice and compassionate in the long run. The building was set up so that some people would be bagging food, and moving food, even eating the food in some cases!- but we all had to work together as a well-oiled machine. So I guess you could say I gained some team building experience as well. I believe in the importance of people working together to see a problem as well as fix it, and that is exactly what we did. It was easy to get mad as some of the folks were rude and obnoxious, but we all kept our cool (that I know of). As we got there I was kinda stressed out because I had no idea what we would be doing, I did not know how long we would be there, etc., etc. But the stress melted off as I saw peoples’ lives change before my very eyes. It is cheaper than therapy, and It makes other people happy, I would suggest volunteering at the Bread of Life to

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