Citizen Kane Research Paper

611 Words2 Pages

Jiwoo Lee
TMA 102
6 MAR 2016

Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane is a movie that has been acclaimed by many experts as one of the greatest movie of all-time. Yet there are still many people who have not seen this movie. I think It's not as mainstream as other movies, but still this is a masterpiece. The most likely reason I like this film is that Citizen Kane is a black-and-white film from 1941. This may turn off modern movie-goers. This movie was made 60 years ago, from the year America went into World War II. This film came out before Pearl Harbor, when Adolf Hitler was Fuehrer of Germany. Yet its direction is still unparalleled in the industry. Charles Foster Kane was a world-famous newspaper tycoon, the most powerful media puppet master America had ever known. It is generally accepted that this character was based off of William Randolph Hurst, but that's beside the point. When he died in 1941 with his empire in shambles, he uttered one last word before …show more content…

It is, simply put, a masterpiece. However, I won’t say this is the best movie of all time. My opinions have changed in this matter. I now understand why all of the critics acclaim this above all else. In my heart I would still choose Life of Pi, and as you can see I am giving Ang lee's masterpiece a slightly higher rating, but in my mind these are the two greatest motion pictures ever created and nothing else can approach this pair of colossal giants. Perhaps it is because the Life of Pi contains great scenes that are color and subplots and characters, rather than Citizen Kane focusing on one man, but in reality it is near impossible to say that there are many flaws in this movie. This is a movie that is both technically perfect and intellectually amazing, a film that is both superb at face value and within our mind. It is a stirring piece of cinema that is and deserves to be more revered than any of its

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