Cicero And Cicero's The Defense Of Injustice

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As we regained consciousness one by one, we found ourselves on a deserted island. After gathering all the food and supplies we could find, it was decided that certain rules should be enacted so we may live together civilly. We need to maintain our politeness and courtesy as we do not know how long we may be stranded on the island. To preserve what we have left, the first rule that should be enacted must benefit the group as a whole. The rule to have every able bodied individual work to benefit the group. That means that a person must work at gather food, water, build shelter, and any other tasks that are required. This should be the most important rule as it will maintain order and will provide justice in our group.
The rule that was previously …show more content…

The feeling of weakness is brought about from the fear of those that are stronger, though the form of strength does not necessarily have to be physical. Justice can be used to protect oneself or possessions in the form of laws. The laws hides their weakness and prevents the strong from harming them. They dare not break the law for the fear of punishment. This fear contributes to why the law is considered just. One would not commit an unlawful action and get punished and call it justice. A roman philosopher named Marcus Tillius Cicero created “The Defense of Injustice”. In the short essay Cicero states “laws are not imposed on us by nature-or by our innate sense of justice. They are imposed by the fear of being penalized. In other words, human beings are not just, by nature, at all”(3). Human nature does not bring about justice, instead it is the fear of being punished that brings justice about. The island is unknown land for the group and reveals all our weaknesses. The need for order and a sense of protection of ourselves becomes evident. The laws we create are for the good of all of us. They provide a reason to work together and prevent those who want to take advantage of others. They provide a sense of security knowing that punishment for breaking the law acts as a …show more content…

Ensuring equality among the people promotes fairness and reduces conflict and jealousy. By treating everyone equally we maintain our respect and are able to work together better. The rule we create treats everyone the same and does not provide any special treatment to any specific person. As long as everyone does what is required of them they will obtain what is rightfully due to them.
As we are stranded on the island we mus try and maintain what little order and civilly we have left. We must enact a law that will benefit our group. A law that is reasonable and just. The term justice can be interpreted in many different ways, but for me justice is fair, unbiased law that is brought about through the weakness of people to ensure equality among themselves. The law that I proposed embodies justice and should be enacted right away. We have all the time we could have but if we wait for too long our civilly will not

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