Christopher Columbus vs. Alvez Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

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Christopher Columbus and Alvez Nunez Cabeza de Vaca were both explorers for Spain, but under different rulers and different times. The more famous, Christopher Columbus, came before de Vaca’s time. Columbus sailed a series of four voyages between 1492 and 1504 in search for a route to Asia which led accidentally to his discovery of new land inhabited with Indians. Christopher sailed under the Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella for his journey to the “Indies,” whom he was loyal to by claiming everything in their name. De Vaca , followed in Christopher’s footsteps and journeyed to Hispanionola for Spain’s emperor, Charlves V, the grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella. Both, Columbus and de Vaca composed a series of letters addressing the main issue of their journey to the new land, but both were expressed in a different manner, included different material, and were motivated to write for dissimilar reasons.

Columbus’ and de Vaca’s purposes to compose letters are quite divergent. Christopher Columbus’ main objective in his Letter to Ferdinand and Isabella Regarding the Fourth Voyage, was to list his unnoticed accomplishments, justly sufferings, and devotion in order for the monarchs to save him. He had his heart set on Ferdinand and Isabella’s pity to obtain their permission to go to Rome and other places of pilgrimage. In Columbus’ “Letter to Ferdinand and Isabella Regarding the Fourth Voyage,” Columbus had the intention to please his majesty by claiming his “[pure devot...

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