Christopher Columbus: Villain Or Hero?

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When people hear the name Columbus they think of hero who discovered the new world but he was really a thief, a villain, rapist, torturer, and a murderer of millions. Christopher Columbus was not some innocent hero, he was a barbarian. Even though Columbus is celebrated all across the United States, he never came to the USA, he ended up landing in Haiti. Columbus was sent to find a shorter route from spain to India, he landed somewhere else already taken by millions of people and claimed he discovered it. When Columbus found out the people were not from India, he still decided to name them Indians, even though their real name was Tainos. Columbus killed 250,000 Indians, and after 50 years none were left. The Indians greeted Columbus well but …show more content…

His people also beheaded the Natives and put them in boiling soap and threw infants head first into large rocks. Butcher shops were placed all around the Caribbean. Columbus and his men used the Natives as dog food. They would also feed live babies to the dogs. Columbus also brought a lot of diseases which helped contribute to deaths of many Natives. People always give Columbus credit for the Columbian Exchange but all the resources that were traded he stole from the Indians, such as gold, tobacco, potatoes, and tomatoes. Columbus didn't work for the exchange, he enslaved the Natives to do it so he doesn’t deserve credit. He also never found what he set out for, he was supposed to find a water route west from Europe to Asia, so he never achieved the goal he was supposed to. In 1492 Christopher Columbus set sail to discover new trading routes to benefit the King and Queen of Spain, but instead he discovered the New World. He was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia, but he never did. He believed by finding a route to Asia, would bring large fortune to the Kingdom of Spain, which he did but he made the profit and land off of

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